Stichting Perdu - ANBI-status

Stichting Perdu is since 17-11-1986 a registered “Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling” (ANBI).

— Name: Stichting Perdu

— BTW (VAT) number: NL008607783B01

— KVK number: 41205930

— RSIN number: 008607783

— Contact details:

Kloveniersburgwal 86, 1012 CZ, Amsterdam

020 627 62 95


— Shortened policy plan

Perdu’s policy is aimed at organising experimental literary programs without a profit motive. Perdu as an organisation is powered by volunteers who are in charge of making of our evening programming and running our bookshop, with the help of a small office team consisting of a director, a head of programming, a production leader, a PR & communications employee, a bureaumanager, a diversity & inclusion employee, and a technician employed by the institution to ensure that Perdu functions smoothly day-to-day.


— The Board

  • Nisrine Mbarki (chairperson, Secretary Board Auteursbond and Member of Supervisory Board ILFU),
  • Leo Hengst (secretary, Board member Stichting FBBK),
  • Naeeda Aurangzeb (general board member),
  • Marianne Bakker (general board member, Member of Supervisory Board Stichting BIND).

Perdu is managed according to the Board-Director model, in which the board plays a precondition setting role. This means that the board assumes a background role in determining substantive policy and focuses mainly on the preconditions that enable the realisation of activities. The duties of the board members are laid down in the board regulations. Perdu’s board members subscribe to the Cultural Governance Code.


— Remuneration Policy

Perdu’s general board members do not receive any remuneration other than compensation for expenses incurred for the work performed by them in that capacity. Perdu’s board chairperson receives a volunteer allowance of €150 per month for the ten months in the year during which Perdu’s board meetings occur. The other board members and secretary receive a remuneration of €50 per month. Perdu’s remuneration policy is aimed at rewarding its personnel according to standards that are socially acceptable, in line with its status as ANBI.

Financial reports can be downloaded here: 20212022.