Presentation Transcript #2

Stichting Perdu - Transcript-perdu
23 Jan at 19:00 | Doors open: 18:30 Free entrance, but reservation obliged
Book presentation
Guest programme
In English

TRANSCRIPT is a literary magazine, edited by Daniël van der Winden and Iris Cuppen. ISSUE TWO was released at the tail-end of ’24, in an edition of 200 copies, featuring written and visual work by Maia Kenney, Hilde Onis, Merel van Slobbe, Malina Suliman and Linus Bonduelle.

TRANSCRIPT was born out of a desire to capture what has been said, or what has roughly been said; to copy what we hear, so we can hear again; to create an echo. Or, as Georges Perec wrote in Species of Spaces (1973): “to write: to try meticulously to retain something, to cause something to survive; to wrest a few precise scraps from the void as it grows, to leave somewhere a furrow, a trace, a mark or a few signs.”

Iris will give an introduction to the magazine, followed by readings by Maia and Daniël. It will be possible to buy the second edition of TRANSCRIPT at the event.