Felix & Sofie x Desire + Capital:
The Political Topology of Desire

Stichting Perdu - Screenshot 2024-06-12 122956
18 Jun at 20:00 | doors open: 19:30 | tickets: regular €12, student/stadspas €10 | language: Dutch
This is a Dutch-only event. For more information, see the Dutch webpage
Our desires are ours, right? Whether it is hunger or love, it seems obvious that desire refers to that intrusive craving that the individual experiences when it wants something it doesn’t have yet. But is this definition really complete? From Freud and Lacan to Deleuze & Guattari, desire in philosophical thought has been complicated not just as one of the primary forces constituting the subject, but as a social or societal force. In this way unbound from the indiviudal, does desire also have a political function? If so, is it up to politics to create collective desires or particular forms of desire? And what is the role of institutions in all of this? These are some of the questions that the research group Desire + Capital grapples with, and that will be central in their collaborative event with Felix & Sofie.