Poetry presentation
Milla van der Have, Ox and Mandarin | Wayfaring Strangers

Stichting Perdu - 7j3a7849_foto_millavanderhave3
29 Jun at 15:00 | doors open: 14:30 | entry: free | language: English
Book launch

Milla van der Have is happy to announce the launch of her latest poetry collection, Ox and Mandarin | Wayfaring Strangers.

This dual publication, published in English by Dancing Girl Press and in Spanish by Ril Editores, offers an exploration of the surreal adventures of its two main characters: Ox and Mandarin. Inspired by the lockdowns of 2020-2021, the poems loosely follow (or perhaps challenge) the structure of the zodiac, inviting readers to traverse the boundaries of imagination and reality.

Special guests at the launch include Stephanie Green, a renowned poet from Edinburgh, and Roberto Reséndiz Carmona, an esteemed poet and cultural promoter from Mexico. Together, they will participate in readings and a Q&A session, delving into the themes and inspirations behind their work.

It will be an engaging evening for poetry enthusiasts, writers, and artists alike! The launch provides a unique opportunity to indulge in literary explorations and connect with like-minded individuals within the poetry community.

All interested parties are cordially invited to attend the launch, please RSVP via the button.