Presentation Perdu Writing Workshop 23/24

Stichting Perdu - 2024_06_13_eindpresentatie_facebook
25 Jun at 20:00 | doors open: 19:30 | free entrance | language: Dutch
In Dutch
Perdu programme

The participants of Perdu’s writing workshop present their work – a result of nine months of reading, (re)writing and experimenting. With the seven members of Hannah van Binsbergen’s group: Julia Alexeenko, Lotte Bosch, Charlotte Duistermaat, Dorien Laan, Bernice Nauta, Kay Schuttel, Gustaaf Wijnker; and the five members of Jeroen van Rooij’s group: Hannah Bailliu, Puck Kroon, Erica van Loon, Maxine van Veelen and Eli Wittema.

Their work is collected in a book publication, launched on the evening itself, and afterwards available in our bookshop, on a pay as you like-basis.