
Stichting Perdu - 2023_11_06_negativiteit_linkedin
24 Nov at 20:00 | Launch of the latest issue of nY magazine. Tickets: Regular €12.50, Student/Stadspas €10. Event language: Dutch and English.

nY, Flemish journal for literature, critique and entertainment, launches her latest issue titled ‘Sex Negativity’. The topic of this issue is neither an anti-sex pamphlet, nor a critique of the optimistic sexual liberation movement in feminist and queer circles often referred to as ‘sex positivity’. Sex negativity is not a choice for or against sex. The negativity of sex, the makers of this issue argue, indicates a split in the subject itself, preceding any social struggles. As subjects, we are not complete, sovereign or stable. There is no coherent ‘I’ that is or could become a master in its own house. Sex materializes the fundamental lack in ourselves, without resolving it. Sex does not liberate – yet it is exactly this negativity that allows for the possibility for change. The contributions in this journal originated as literary and theoretical reflections on this notion.