De poëzie en liedteksten van P.G. Wodehouse

Stichting Perdu - 2024_04_23_wodehouse_facebook-2
10 mei om 20:00 | Inloop vanaf 19:30 Kaarten: Regulier €12,50, Student €10, Livestream €10. Taal: Meertalig.

A short introduction to the varied works of P.G. Wodehouse with an emphasis on his Poetry and Lyrics. Rob Sander will give a short general introduction and overview of the programme. Peter Nieuwenhuizen will give an introduction to the difficulties of translating the Wodehouse poetry. Tony Ring will give a lecture on the Poetry of P.G. Wodehouse (zoom from the UK). Donald Duk will present some of the newest translations into Dutch. Maria Jette and Hal Cazalet will perform some of the lyrical en poetic works (songs and excerpt of “one man musical”). Perdu volunteers present some short new translations of well-known Wodehouse poems.